HEX Price Pager: Desktop Appliaction
Advailable for purchase & use version 1.0 has been released. We have a couple new alterations comming soon, however right now we are focusing on getting this appliaction Verified for all the platforms appropriatly so it can work seemlessly no matter the operating system you are using.
If you PREORDER we can get you a working copy, unless you are on a MAC, we would need a week or two before it would be installable through the APP stores. The app is working now, just have hard costs to overcome to have the installation file downloadable.
We are close to having the application in the marketplaces for installation, we are gaining some ground.
THIS IS A CROSS PLATFORM APPLICATION, built for computers, not your PHONE. There are operational security reasons we only targeted computers. PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SECURITY.

THIS APPLIACTION presents tools that will work with your wallet, our appliaction does not communicate with your wallet, & does not store any data. The tools presented with in the appliaction will interact with your wallet & let you do what need with out remebering where everything is located. Think about it as a wallet augmenter or enhancment appliaction. It provides a solution to keeping all the important things ready for you to use at your fingertips.
- MetaMask -- ANY WALLET you choose
- Internet & PC
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ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVERED. You have the right to purchase the appliaction and utilize it as intended. You obtain NO rights to the intiletual property, not allowed to redistribute, resell or profit from our property